Kingston Gas Services Blog

Benefits of powerflushing

Have you been recommended to powerflush your central heating system? Or have you seen the term while researching boilers? Powerflushing is a great way to keep your central heating system in great shape, as well as eliminating a lot of potential future problems. To find out more, keep reading!

What is a powerflush

A powerflush is a simple and easy way to clean out your central heating system. During a powerflush, water and cleaning chemicals are injected into your system at a very high velocity. This high speed gives the water enough power to clean your pipes and components, dislodging any build-up. Build-up is made from dirt, debris, rust and sludge and occurs through use. Our powerflushing service clears away any past build-up and the chemicals work to prevent any occurring in the future.

Signs you need a powerflush

  • You can attach a magnet to your copper pipes
  • Sludgy, dirty water is inside your system
  • Your radiators have been bled and still have cold spots
  • Your heating or hot water takes a long time to heat up
  • You are replacing your boiler

Benefits of powerflushing

Returns your system to brand new

A powerflush cleans your central heating system entirely, returning it to brand new condition again. 

Longer system life span

Cleaning your system thoroughly helps it to last longer, as every powerflush makes it as good as new again. This can add years onto the lifespan of your system!

Reduces the risk of future breakdowns

Boiler breakdowns can be caused by internal build-up, so removing it can be a great way to keep everything running smoothly for as long as possible. A clean system is much less likely to malfunction, as there are less potential faults.

Higher efficiency

Having clean pipes and components means your boiler will not have to work as hard to heat your home. This means it is using less energy and, as a result, costing you less money! Another benefit of greater efficiency is that your home will feel warmer, in a shorter amount of time!

Need a powerflush in Hull?

We offer our powerflushes across Kingswood, Hull, Beverley, Cottingham, Driffield, Hornsea, Market Weighton, Hessle, East Yorkshire Villages and North Lincolnshire. We have a great team of gas engineers who are all on the gas safe register, so you know you'll be in safe hands! To get in touch, give us a call on 07930 367637, fill out the contact form on our website, or email us at We hope to hear from you soon!